Hi. I have a custom shopping cart template. In there, I use the typical [-- BUTTON Checkout --] and all the other "BUTTON" calls. I know where to change the images that those use in the Store Preferences. In there, it's just a link to each image. In the rest of my pages, I use onmouseover to change the button images when the user hovers over the button. For instance, here's my code for "add to cart" in my product template:
<input type=image src="media/images/addtobag.gif" onmouseover="this.src='media/images/addtobag_over.gif'" onmouseout="this.src='media/images/addtobag.gif'" alt="add to shopping bag" width="88" height="25" vspace="0" hspace="0" border="0" align="bottom" name="Add to Shopping Bag">
Is it possible to do this for my buttons in the shopping cart and checkout page? I hate just having static images for important functions like checkout, submit order, etc.