I have be trying to get this to work, but cannot get it to show a value.
It could be my SSI settings I have checked my server settings and SSI Exec is enabled, but perhaps there is more to it than that. I really dont understand it.
If not this is the test page.
The two products are sub products not sure if that makes any difference.
Using this template
#gradient1 Product Template
#copyright 2010 ShopSite Inc. Design by Andy
#Note: subproducts are treated normally
Using ShopSite Pro 10 r7.1
I have tried 3 different paths as you can see from the page source code below.
- Code: Select all
<!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/sc/inv.cgi?storeid=*1af738530149927d09b26d8f555b7a&itemnum=614&exec=yes" -->
- Code: Select all
<!--#include virtual="/leapfrogshop.co.uk/cgi-bin/sc/inv.cgi?storeid=*14782f7debe051860b572a63&itemnum=614&exec=yes" -->
- Code: Select all
<!--#include virtual="/http://www.leapfrogshop.co.uk/cgi-bin/sc/inv.cgi?storeid=*1c0bd1fe51e26fe0800b56eb0d1b52da&itemnum=613&exec=yes" -->
I am also using
- Code: Select all
[-- IF PRODUCT.QuantityOnHand "0" --]
- Code: Select all
[-- PRODUCTINVENTORYACTUAL /cgi-bin/sc "Available" --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.QuantityOnHand "0" --] Out of Stock
[-- ELSE --]
In Stock
### [-- IF ADDIMAGE? --]
### <input type=image class="add-img" [--addimage--]>
### [-- ELSE --]
### <input class="add" type=submit value="[-- ADDTEXT --]">
### [-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]
# ### Product View Cart Button ###
[-- IF ViewImage? --]
<input type=image name="View Cart" class="viewcart-img" [-- viewimage --]>
[-- ELSE --]
<input type=submit class="view" name=checkout value="[-- ViewText --]">
[-- END_IF --]