Search layout questions

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Search layout questions

Postby Nikolaus Gruchot » Wed Nov 03, 2004 4:31 am

Hi all,

V 7.1.

-> Preferences -> Search Settings -> Search Layout

I have set the "Product Template Override:" to "Default product template"
with left aligned products and TWO columns. Nevertheless the result page
from a search always has the products only in one column one under each
other?! and enter "seal" as search term for example.


I have set the number of products to display per search result page to 15.
When there are more then 15 hits, the Go To: with the page buttons comes up.
In V 7.0.3. the layout of the table (f.ex. background color) containing the
page buttons could be customized through the back office. I cannot find this
option in 7.1 anymore?! Where do I change the settings for this table. The
default color scheme does not fit our store layout.


The default setting for the number of characters tto display from the
product description is set to 95. If I do increase this number to let say
150, 200 or 250 characters, the link structure on the search result page is
messed up, when the product description of the product contains LESS
characters then defined in the search settings. See generated code below.
The third <a href=> tag is not closed properly!

<a name="1026"></a>
<!-- Default Product Template -->
<table cellspacing=0 border=0>
<tr valign=top>
<td valign=top align=left>
<a href=""><img
src="" width=75
height=75 alt="pelicases/1012foamt.jpg" hspace=3 vspace=3 border=0></a>
<td valign=top>

<a href="">
<b>1012 Schaumeinsatz für 1010 Peli Micro Case</b></a>

<!-- 2004-05-07 -->
<font face="Arial, Helvetica" size="2">Vorgeschnittener Pick 'N' PluckT
Schaumeinsatz für den Bodenteil des 1010 Peli MicroT Case ...</font><br>

*********** LOOK HERE <a href="<br>

<FORM action=""
Menge <input type=text size=2 name="1026:qnty" value="1" >
<input type=hidden name="storeid" value="*1cfb32f190e4bc6cd0fc46cb7a583d4c">
<input type=hidden name="dbname" value="products">
<input type=hidden name="function" value="add">
<input type=hidden name="itemnum" value="1026">
<input type=hidden name="search_field" value="1010">
<input type=image src=""
align="middle" width="134" height="22" alt="Artikel in den Warenkorb legen"
border="0" align="bottom" name="Add to Cart">
<input type=image src=""
align="middle" alt="Zur Kasse" width="93" height="22" hspace="3" vspace="3"
border="0" align="bottom" name="View Cart">
<td align="left" valign="top">
<a href="">1012 Schaumeinsatz für 1010
Peli Micro Case</a>
<td><hr noshade size="1" color="#FF8040"></td>


I (and everybody else working here :-) ), likes the fact that the search
results now contain the pictures, as it makes dealing with customers over
the phone a lot easier, as they can find the product a lot faster in the

What I cannot seem to get rid of, is the fact that the link to the products
more info page is repeated under each product?! I have been looking through
the templates, but could not find a way to remove this repetetive
information?! Any hint where I should start looking?


The last one is rather cosmetic: Currently the product description is just
cut of in mid word or sentence when a search result is displayed. I think it
would be better to have " ..." set after the cut off, so that the customer
knows that there is more information.

-> Sehr leichte und komfortable Maske f

compared to

-> Sehr leichte und komfortable Maske f ...


-> Sehr leichte und komfortable Maske f ... (click on picture for more


Best regards and thank you for haeving read all this until here :-)

Nikolaus Gruchot

Re: Search layout questions

Postby loren_d_c » Wed Nov 03, 2004 10:35 am

The number of columns is not likely a function of the product template
(in regular ShopSite pages this is determined bya a page setting and the
page template). What settings do you have for the search template?


Nikolaus Gruchot wrote:

Hi all,

V 7.1.

-> Preferences -> Search Settings -> Search Layout

I have set the "Product Template Override:" to "Default product template"
with left aligned products and TWO columns. Nevertheless the result page
from a search always has the products only in one column one under each
other?! and enter "seal" as search term for example.


I have set the number of products to display per search result page to 15.
When there are more then 15 hits, the Go To: with the page buttons comes up.
In V 7.0.3. the layout of the table (f.ex. background color) containing the
page buttons could be customized through the back office. I cannot find this
option in 7.1 anymore?! Where do I change the settings for this table. The
default color scheme does not fit our store layout.


The default setting for the number of characters tto display from the
product description is set to 95. If I do increase this number to let say
150, 200 or 250 characters, the link structure on the search result page is
messed up, when the product description of the product contains LESS
characters then defined in the search settings. See generated code below.
The third <a href=> tag is not closed properly!

a name="1026"></a
!-- Default Product Template --
table cellspacing=0 border=0
tr valign=top
td valign=top align=left
a href=""><img
src="" width=75
height=75 alt="pelicases/1012foamt.jpg" hspace=3 vspace=3 border=0></a
td valign=top

a href=""
b>1012 Schaumeinsatz für 1010 Peli Micro Case</b></a

!-- 2004-05-07 --
font face="Arial, Helvetica" size="2">Vorgeschnittener Pick 'N' PluckT
Schaumeinsatz für den Bodenteil des 1010 Peli MicroT Case ...</font><br

*********** LOOK HERE <a href="<br

FORM action=""
Menge <input type=text size=2 name="1026:qnty" value="1"
input type=hidden name="storeid" value="*1cfb32f190e4bc6cd0fc46cb7a583d4c"
input type=hidden name="dbname" value="products"
input type=hidden name="function" value="add"
input type=hidden name="itemnum" value="1026"
input type=hidden name="search_field" value="1010"
input type=image src=""
align="middle" width="134" height="22" alt="Artikel in den Warenkorb legen"
border="0" align="bottom" name="Add to Cart"
input type=image src=""
align="middle" alt="Zur Kasse" width="93" height="22" hspace="3" vspace="3"
border="0" align="bottom" name="View Cart"
td align="left" valign="top"
a href="">1012 Schaumeinsatz für 1010
Peli Micro Case</a
td><hr noshade size="1" color="#FF8040"></td


I (and everybody else working here :-) ), likes the fact that the search
results now contain the pictures, as it makes dealing with customers over
the phone a lot easier, as they can find the product a lot faster in the

What I cannot seem to get rid of, is the fact that the link to the products
more info page is repeated under each product?! I have been looking through
the templates, but could not find a way to remove this repetetive
information?! Any hint where I should start looking?


The last one is rather cosmetic: Currently the product description is just
cut of in mid word or sentence when a search result is displayed. I think it
would be better to have " ..." set after the cut off, so that the customer
knows that there is more information.

-> Sehr leichte und komfortable Maske f

compared to

-> Sehr leichte und komfortable Maske f ...


-> Sehr leichte und komfortable Maske f ... (click on picture for more


Best regards and thank you for haeving read all this until here :-)


Posts: 2571
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 12:02 pm
Location: Anywhere

Re: Search layout questions

Postby Nikolaus Gruchot » Thu Nov 04, 2004 2:36 am

Hi Loren,

I have copied the default search template from shopsite and added an
horizontal line between the products in the template and assigned this
template to the search, thats it.

BTW, I have figured out that the breaks of the <a href="> tag were caused by
html tags contained in the product description. So I have checked -> Store
preferences -> Search Settings -> Search Layout -> Strip HTML tags from the
product description: [ X ] and have set the -> Maximum number of characters
displayed for the product description: 400

Now the search results display nicely and also the cosmetic "problem" is
resolved, as we have the "..." and the explanation to click on the image /
product name for more information in the product description :-)

If a 2 column display on the search page is not possible, ok, no big deal.
(But what is the setting in the back office for then?)

This leaves me with 2 issues:

I have set the number of products to display per search result page to
15. When there are more then 15 hits, the Go To: with the page buttons
comes up. In V 7.0.3. the layout of the table (f.ex. background color)
containing the page buttons could be customized through the back office.
I cannot find this option in 7.1 anymore?! Where do I change the settings
for this table. The default color scheme does not fit our store layout.


What I cannot seem to get rid of, is the fact that the link to the
products more info page on the search result page is repeated under each
product?! I have been looking through the templates, but could not find a
way to remove this repetetive information?! Any hint where I should start

Best regards,

Nikolaus Gruchot

Re: Search layout questions

Postby Nikolaus Gruchot » Thu Nov 04, 2004 2:50 am


I have just noticed that for some of the products that did not have a more
information page in the beginning and the more information page has been
added later the display on the search result is:

picture / name of product with link to product more information page
product description
-> name of the page the product is listed on with link to this page

Where any product that had a more information page from the beginning is
displayed like this:

picture / name of product with link to product more information page
product description
-> name of product with link to product more information page

Is the default search layout generally intended to have a link to page the
product is listed on? If so, this would make sense! But why is there the
double link to the products more information page in the second case and not
the page link?


"Nikolaus Gruchot" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

What I cannot seem to get rid of, is the fact that the link to the
products more info page on the search result page is repeated under each
product?! I have been looking through the templates, but could not find
a way to remove this repetetive information?! Any hint where I should
start looking?
Nikolaus Gruchot

Re: Search layout questions

Postby Jim » Thu Nov 04, 2004 11:42 am

The destination of the link is set by the Product "Search Destination:"
field. It can be set to Store, MoreInfo, Made or None.
Check the products that have links to the moreinfo page instead of the
page you are expecting and see if they have the Search Destination set
to MoreInfo.


Nikolaus Gruchot wrote:

I have just noticed that for some of the products that did not have a more
information page in the beginning and the more information page has been
added later the display on the search result is:

picture / name of product with link to product more information page
product description
-> name of the page the product is listed on with link to this page

Where any product that had a more information page from the beginning is
displayed like this:

picture / name of product with link to product more information page
product description
-> name of product with link to product more information page

Is the default search layout generally intended to have a link to page the
product is listed on? If so, this would make sense! But why is there the
double link to the products more information page in the second case and not
the page link?


Re: Search layout questions

Postby Nikolaus Gruchot » Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:04 am

Hi Jim,

very good. That's it.

I have power edited all products and set -> Products -> Search Destination
to "Store".

Now all products display on the search result page like this:

picture / name of product with link to product more information page
product description
-> name of the page the product is listed on with link to this page

I have also figured out that I can change the link text displayed for the
page, when I am changing -> Pages -> Link name :-)

I always thought that I know my way aroung the shopsite back office after 5
years, but it is still amazing what this software can to "out of the box"
with little work from my side :-)

Thank you for the hints,


"Jim" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
The destination of the link is set by the Product "Search Destination:"
field. It can be set to Store, MoreInfo, Made or None.
Check the products that have links to the moreinfo page instead of the
page you are expecting and see if they have the Search Destination set to

Nikolaus Gruchot

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