Handling charges by price

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Handling charges by price

Postby Efrat S. » Tue Jul 06, 2004 3:23 pm

How do I add handling charge by price?

Up to $30 - $3
$31 - $50 - $4
$51 - $80 - $6

I found where to add handling charge to each individual product, but can't
seem to figure out where to add that handling charge structure to the entire

I am working with version 6.3.1 pro, and we are working only with UPS

Thanks, Efrat.
Efrat S.

Re: Handling charges by price

Postby Rob » Tue Jul 06, 2004 4:14 pm

How do I add handling charge by price?

Up to $30 - $3
$31 - $50 - $4
$51 - $80 - $6

I found where to add handling charge to each individual product, but can't
seem to figure out where to add that handling charge structure to the

I am working with version 6.3.1 pro, and we are working only with UPS

Go to Commerce Setup -> Shipping and at the bottom of the screen is a
section for Handling Charges. You can choose from many different options,
but these options are equations and not tables. i.e. you can set it up to
Subtotal * 0.10 to have 10 cents per dollar ordered added to the handling
charge, etc...


Re: Handling charges by price

Postby loren_d_c » Tue Jul 06, 2004 4:17 pm

The Handling Charge feature is configured at the bottom of the Commerce
Setup -> Shipping screen. Even if you are doing per-product handling
charges, you still have to enable the handling charges by checking the
checkbox here first. If you want to do a global handling charge, then
the settings/formula for that is right there on the Shipping
configuration menu under the checkbox.


Efrat S. wrote:
How do I add handling charge by price?

Up to $30 - $3
$31 - $50 - $4
$51 - $80 - $6

I found where to add handling charge to each individual product, but can't
seem to figure out where to add that handling charge structure to the entire

I am working with version 6.3.1 pro, and we are working only with UPS

Thanks, Efrat.

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