Shopping cart

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Shopping cart

Postby Gary Kennedy » Fri Jul 02, 2004 4:25 am

I am using an html editor for my site and when I edit the cart, it finds the
following text in error

<input type=image
ottom" border="0"name="Remove:0" alt="Remove"></td>
<td class="cart_quantity"><input tabindex="1"type=text name="0:qnty"
value="1" size=4></td>

There are no space after dorder="0" and several other places. I assume this
comes from Shopsite. If not how can I fix it?

Gary Kennedy
Toll-Free 800-262-7897
Fax 201-319-1446

Marty Shoes Inc.
60 Enterprise Ave. N.
Secaucus, NJ 07094
Gary Kennedy

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