You can change which columns appear in the table and the order that they
are arranged* in but currently the Order Options will always be placed
under the line item data.
I can see that if you had one option it might fit on the same row with
the product name but if you had several options it would really stretch
the table out making it difficult to see the whole thing on one screen.
*The tag to rearrange the table elements is:
[-- SC_Cart delete quantity name sku price total --]
You can move or remove any of the items after the SC_Cart to change what
displays when a product is put in the cart.
Rob wrote:
Hi. Do we have any control over where the product options menu displays
in the cart? I would rather have this menu following the product name,
instead of in a row below it -- if possible.
There does not appear to be any way currently to edit or alter the cart
contents that are displayed in the cart screen, as this is not an include
file but a direct tag in ShopSite that is not editable.