Make sure you are not including the currency symbol ($ sign for US) in
any of the price fields or a weight designator in a weight field. Also
make sure that your decimal separator and thousands separators are
correct for the local that you are using. Also if the first row of data
is actually a header row but does not have a "#Name" value in it, the
row will be considered a data row and not a header row so all of the
fields in that row which should have numeric values would result in the
error. That row would then not be added to the database because of the
error but you wouldn't notice it since you weren't expecting it to be
there any way.
There are 2 fields in a product that deal with pages. The "In these
pages" is used to assign the product to particulare pages and the "File
Name" field is used for the filename of the products moreinfo page.
Ken Lanxner wrote:
I tried uploading a small sample of products to the database. I got a
message "Error: There is an incorrect numeric value or format in one of
your fields. Please check for invalid characters and misplaced
punctuation and try again. This record was NOT created. " But all
products appear to have uploaded OK. So why the message?
Also, which field in the products db corresponds to the page name? Is
that Filename? What is the field "In these pages"?