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Shopsite through Verio and SureFire Commerce (now Terra Paym

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 1:14 pm
by Tim Thorburn

I'm a realtive newbie here - so let me start off with first apologizing if
I'm asking questions that have already been covered ad nausium.

I've been web design for the past 7-ish years and now have 2 clients who are
interested in adding some eCommerce elements to their sites. After speaking
with my Verio rep I think we're pretty set on recommending Shopsite to my
clients - however, I'm now faced with the responsibility of choosing
merchant services for my client.

Since both clients are located in Canada - I thought they'd feel more
comfortable with a Canadian company to handle their merchant services - so
far it seems that SureFire Commerce (which I just found out is now known as
Terra Payments) is the best option.

Has anyone setup an account with them? Any horror stories that I should be
aware of ahead of time?

Basically I'm told that I need to first setup a Shopsite account through
Verio, then setup a SureFire (now Terra Payments) account - and for the
small fee of $35cdn/month like magic my clients will be able to accept
online payments.

I'm sure I'm over simplifying this process - so please, share comments.


Re: Shopsite through Verio and SureFire Commerce (now Terra

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 2:04 pm
by loren_d_c
Once you sign up with SureFire they will provide you with account
information for their service that you then plug into a configuration
screen in ShopSite so that ShopSite can connect to your SureFire.

Make sure when you sign up with SureFire that you stress that you are
using ShopSite, there may be different ways they configure the account
on their end depending on the shopping cart being used.


Tim Thorburn wrote:

I'm a realtive newbie here - so let me start off with first apologizing if
I'm asking questions that have already been covered ad nausium.

I've been web design for the past 7-ish years and now have 2 clients who are
interested in adding some eCommerce elements to their sites. After speaking
with my Verio rep I think we're pretty set on recommending Shopsite to my
clients - however, I'm now faced with the responsibility of choosing
merchant services for my client.

Since both clients are located in Canada - I thought they'd feel more
comfortable with a Canadian company to handle their merchant services - so
far it seems that SureFire Commerce (which I just found out is now known as
Terra Payments) is the best option.

Has anyone setup an account with them? Any horror stories that I should be
aware of ahead of time?

Basically I'm told that I need to first setup a Shopsite account through
Verio, then setup a SureFire (now Terra Payments) account - and for the
small fee of $35cdn/month like magic my clients will be able to accept
online payments.

I'm sure I'm over simplifying this process - so please, share comments.
