I've been getting upset at my customers who have the wrong zip
code address and come to find out it is more a ShopSite flaw than
our customer's fault.
In the shopping cart, you're asked to insert a zip code. Most
people put in their own billing zip code. So when they check Use
Separate Shipping Address, and then Checkout, the Zip Code goes
directly to the Shipping Address which is not the zip code that
they want....and most can't figure out how to change the zip
because it is imbedded right into the page.
This is an awkward shopping cart form to begin with and this now
complicates it more. I guess the quick fix is to for the
Zip/Postal Code to say "Shipping Address Zip/Postal Code". But
then the zip code won't match the billing address for the credit
card AVS. Is this the mess I think it is or is there a simple
Anyone have a good answer....I really don't feel like thinking
about it.
Jimmy Hilburger