Digital Downloads

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Digital Downloads

Postby » Thu May 09, 2002 4:17 pm

Here's what I am attempting to do. I'm not sure exactly how to manage this
function in the digital downloads.

1. Customer orders on-line training program that requires a Password and
2. I have developed a web page that provides:
A. A temporary password
B. Form for the customer to supply their unique Password and UserID -
which I set up manually.
3. Ideally, when the customer orders that unique product that triggers the
Digital Download options, I would like for them to press on a hyperlink
(either on the html receipt or the emailed receipt) that allows them to go
to the sign up page to fill in
the Password and UserID. Also, this hyperlinked page will provide the
temporary password and userId for immediate access to the training.

However, it isn't working that way. I have established the unique web page
for them to register and receive the temporary password and userid. But,
when they order (actually my test orders) I get the hyperlink on the
onscreen invoice and the link on the emailed receipt. Then, you press on
the links and get an error message - which I set up in the Digital Download
set up section.

Simply put, if they order the unique product that requires them to press a
hyperlink to complete the registration process -- what am I missing?


Paul J.

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