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Smart Tags

PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2002 11:05 am
by A Stewart
SC Pro 5.0.1

Do we need to close smart tags
<rename="Ealing">...... </recname>



Re: Smart Tags

PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2002 11:05 am
by loren_d_c
No, closing tags aren't required. Can you cut-and-paste some of the
exact code that is not being replaced? Perhaps something from the
original custom page, and what that section of code looks like in the
resulting published page?


A Stewart wrote:

SC Pro 5.0.1

Do we need to close smart tags
rename="Ealing">...... </recname



Re: Smart Tags

PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2002 11:19 am
by A Stewart

Here is a page that doesnt seem have the <recname> tags
being replaced properly.
Mind you, FWIW, the <curdb> tag seems to disappear okay.
Oh, BTW, I am using a dreamweaver template to help
generate the source HTML.

<HTML><!-- #BeginTemplate "/Templates/smart_html_sides_02.dwt" -->
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<P align="center"><IMG src="images/grade_brogues.gif" width="218" height="20" alt=" GRADE BROGUES "></P>
<DIV align="left"><FONT size="2">The brogue remains the English Gentleman's shoe of choice. Despite its ubiquitous presence
very few people are aware as to how this distinctive style arose.
<P align="left"><FONT size="2">Amazingly enough the holes were introduced in Scotland and Ireland in the 4th/5th Century. This
meant that the locals did not have to wander around with shoes full of water as they negotiated the sodden terrain of their
homeland! The holes became decorative and although from an evolutionary point of view obsolete this legacy exists today.</FONT></P>
<P align="left"><FONT size="2">Our GRADE range of shoes and boots are made from Side Leather, which is the leather from a
mature hide, unless otherwise stated.</FONT></P>
<P align="left"><FONT size="2">For&nbsp;<FONT color=#990066>more
information</FONT>&nbsp;on any of the products below&nbsp;<FONT
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<TD><A name="geali01"></A><recname="EALING (Black)"><A
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<FONT size="2">
<TD><A name="2"></A><A
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hspace=20 src="images/g-enfi01_200.jpg" width=200
align=left vspace=20 border=0></A></TD>
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<FONT size="2">
<TD><A name="geust03"></A><A
href="g-eust03.html"><recname="EUSTON (Havana Suede)"><IMG
height=130 alt=Click&nbsp;for&nbsp;Further&nbsp;Information
hspace=20 src="images/g-eust03_200.jpg" width=200
align=left vspace=20 border=0></A></TD>
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<TD><ORDER><IMG src="images/add_to_basket.gif" width="44" height="44" hspace="6" border="0"></ORDER></TD>
<FONT size="2">
<TD><A name="gcobhCHO"></A><A
href="g-cobh-CHO.html"><recname="COBHAM (Chocolate Suede)"><IMG
height=130 alt=Click&nbsp;for&nbsp;Further&nbsp;Information
hspace=20 src="images/g-cobh-CHO_200.jpg" width=200
align=left vspace=20 border=0></A></TD>
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<FONT size="-2" color="#999999">Copyright &copy; 1999-2002 Shipton & Heneage Shoes Ltd. (UK) <BR>
Photography: <A href=""></A><BR>
Web Design: <A href=""></A><BR>
Last Updated: 29th Apr 2002</FONT><FONT color="#999999"><BR>
<!-- #EndTemplate --></HTML>

The page in question is in fact here:
source: ... ogues.html

(But because I am still working on it, it may
have changed by the time you look there!)


Re: Smart Tags

PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2002 10:04 am
by A Stewart
I tried a two liner smart html file that just said


And shopsite stripped out the curdb but left the recname!!

Dont worry I have now abandoned the <recname> tag
completely because it screws up browsers if it is left
behind. I now use the parameter record="...."
e.g. within the <order> tag but it's much messier and more
work for me!


"Loren" <> wrote in message
No, closing tags aren't required. Can you cut-and-paste some of the
exact code that is not being replaced? Perhaps something from the
original custom page, and what that section of code looks like in the
resulting published page?


A Stewart wrote:

SC Pro 5.0.1

Do we need to close smart tags
rename="Ealing">...... </recname



Re: Smart Tags

PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2002 11:53 am
by loren_d_c

I tried the same thing and it worked. Except I spelled 'recname' with a 'c' instead of
'rename'. My resulting file looked like (between the '-'):



There are a few little things that someone can do to screw up the tags besides
misspellings, the other day I saw a case where someone forgot to put a closing quote
after one of the values and that screwed up the parsing of the file for the rest of
that page.


A Stewart wrote:

I tried a two liner smart html file that just said


And shopsite stripped out the curdb but left the recname!!

Dont worry I have now abandoned the <recname> tag
completely because it screws up browsers if it is left
behind. I now use the parameter record="...."
e.g. within the <order> tag but it's much messier and more
work for me!


"Loren" <> wrote in message
No, closing tags aren't required. Can you cut-and-paste some of the
exact code that is not being replaced? Perhaps something from the
original custom page, and what that section of code looks like in the
resulting published page?


A Stewart wrote:

SC Pro 5.0.1

Do we need to close smart tags
rename="Ealing">...... </recname



Re: Smart Tags

PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2002 12:17 pm
by A Stewart

Genius! Sometime you just get too darned close to a problem.


"Loren" <> wrote in message

I tried the same thing and it worked. Except I spelled 'recname' with a 'c' instead of
'rename'. My resulting file looked like (between the '-'):



There are a few little things that someone can do to screw up the tags besides
misspellings, the other day I saw a case where someone forgot to put a closing quote
after one of the values and that screwed up the parsing of the file for the rest of
that page.


A Stewart wrote:

I tried a two liner smart html file that just said


And shopsite stripped out the curdb but left the recname!!

Dont worry I have now abandoned the <recname> tag
completely because it screws up browsers if it is left
behind. I now use the parameter record="...."
e.g. within the <order> tag but it's much messier and more
work for me!


"Loren" <> wrote in message
No, closing tags aren't required. Can you cut-and-paste some of the
exact code that is not being replaced? Perhaps something from the
original custom page, and what that section of code looks like in the
resulting published page?


A Stewart wrote:

SC Pro 5.0.1

Do we need to close smart tags
rename="Ealing">...... </recname

