We've just added a new feature to the Stone Edge Order Manager for ShopSite
that helps support this. We call it "kits". You create a kit by taking one
SKU (the Kit) and assigning other SKUs to it (the Parts). Each Part also
includes the quantity of that part that goes into each kit.
When you import or manually enter an order for a kit, the Order Manager
creates one line item for the kit, including its price, and assumes that it
is in stock. It then creates additional line items for each Part, checking
the quantity on hand for each and backordering anything that is out of
stock. The program gets the weight and cost of the kit from its parts. The
customer, on their invoice, sees the kit at its defined price, then each of
the parts at a price of $0.00.
This feature hasn't made it to our website yet, so if you need more info,
give us a call.
- Barney Stone, President
Stone Edge Technologies, Inc.
www.ShopSiteUtilities.com<webmaster@chinasprout.com> wrote in message
Hi Dan:
we create a new SKU for this (e.g. pack of 10 greetings cards) - it is
because usually the price will be different for a "Set" products and I'm
sure if the customers wants to suddenly see multiple products in the
after he/she only pressed the add to cart button once. You want the
to be in control of the shopping cart.
webmaster@chinasprout.comMike Bouldin wrote:
Is there a way to sell multiple products as a bundle so when customer
"add to cart" button three different SKUs will be added to cart.
Thanks in advance for your help.