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Prevlocation Variable Wrong

PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2001 1:16 pm
by Norman
I am still trying to troubleshoot this one computer. As you
recall, I innocently upgraded to Netscape 6.1 and added a firewall. Now
the hidden prevlocation variable in my shopping cart (ShopSite SC Pro
4.3) takes you to the wrong page in my store. The problem is confined
to this one computer as everything works correctly when I access the
store from other computers. Does anyone know what ShopSite uses to get
the page URL into the prevlocation variable ( exp. Java or Cookies ). I
am having trouble seeing an unrelated site and their technicians advise
that they think this is a Java problem. If everyone that upgrades to
Netscape 6.1 runs into this problem, this will be a mess. Has anyone
experienced this or had any customers complain about something like

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