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Using versign

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2001 1:26 pm
by Sam Lodhi

I would just i to find out which verisign product to use with shopsite.

Do we using the Payflow Pro or the Payflow Link, secondly does anyone know
if international user can use this i.e in the United Kingdom.


Re: Using versign

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2001 2:29 pm
by loren_d_c
ShopSite is integrated with Payflow Pro. You would have to ask VeriSign if
Payflow Pro works internationally.


Sam Lodhi wrote:


I would just i to find out which verisign product to use with shopsite.

Do we using the Payflow Pro or the Payflow Link, secondly does anyone know
if international user can use this i.e in the United Kingdom.


Re: Using versign

PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2001 5:24 am
by Gary Kennedy
It does work International but you don't get an AVS response, just an
approval. We stopped accepting International orders because without the AVS
match, you have no protection if a customer says they didn't get the product
or from fraud.

Gary Kennedy / Melissa Buesing

Marty Shoes Inc.
60 Enterprise Ave. N.
Secaucus, NJ 07094
Toll Free: 800-262-7897
Fax: 201-319-1446
"Loren" <> wrote in message
ShopSite is integrated with Payflow Pro. You would have to ask VeriSign if
Payflow Pro works internationally.


Sam Lodhi wrote:


I would just i to find out which verisign product to use with shopsite.

Do we using the Payflow Pro or the Payflow Link, secondly does anyone
if international user can use this i.e in the United Kingdom.
