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State of California Tax Code Questions

PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2001 10:26 am
by Webmaster
Hello All,

In the State of California, we have to tax HANDLING Charges on mail order
items. Shopsite calls this a SURCHARGE. I can only find options under
shipping setup to tax either PRODUCTS only or PRODUCTS + SHIPPING. We don't
have to tax shipping charges (maybe other state's have to do this and that's
why it's there).... Anyway. I was wondering how other Shopsite sites within
California (or any other state that requires it) handle this issue.

Currently we have to either eat the charge or manually adjust the invoice
for each order.

Look forward to hearing back. Thanks.

Alan Ford
Phone: (818) 985-5786 x222
Fax: (818) 985-2145

Re: State of California Tax Code Questions

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2001 5:38 pm
by Eric Kirkhuff
The rule with tax laws is. If you are purchasing the item from one state to
another, it is considered that you walked into the store and therefore need
to pay the tax from that state. This rule has been researched and is still
being challenged.

The bottom line is. Watch out!. As the Internet gets more sophisticated, so
will the IRS or state Franchise tax boards. If you collect the tax, pay it.

You can get in lots of trouble. My suggestion is to call or write the Local
State tax board, because they will be the ones you will ultimately have to
answer to. Get the decision in writing and keep it.


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"Webmaster" <> wrote in message
Hello All,

In the State of California, we have to tax HANDLING Charges on mail order
items. Shopsite calls this a SURCHARGE. I can only find options under
shipping setup to tax either PRODUCTS only or PRODUCTS + SHIPPING. We
have to tax shipping charges (maybe other state's have to do this and
why it's there).... Anyway. I was wondering how other Shopsite sites
California (or any other state that requires it) handle this issue.

Currently we have to either eat the charge or manually adjust the invoice
for each order.

Look forward to hearing back. Thanks.

Alan Ford
Phone: (818) 985-5786 x222
Fax: (818) 985-2145