A few customers are receiving the message: "enter valid entry for name
on card" when filling out the CC fields. Same message on numerous
attempts. Any thoughts on the cause of the problem or can someone point
me to a previous thread? Thank-you.
A few customers are receiving the message: "enter valid entry for name on
card" when filling out the CC fields. Same message on numerous attempts.
Any thoughts on the cause of the problem or can someone point me to a
previous thread? Thank-you.
This is probably the issue mentioned in the 7.1.1 maintenace release:
http://support.shopsite.com/kbase/view_ ... onID=S5497
" Resolved an issue where shoppers whose name on their credit card contains
a lowercase 'x' may have received an error message 'Please specify a valid
value for the Name on Card'. "
-David H.
"Hal Lier" <hal@nefitco.com> wrote in message
A few customers are receiving the message: "enter valid entry for name on
card" when filling out the CC fields. Same message on numerous attempts.
Any thoughts on the cause of the problem or can someone point me to a
previous thread? Thank-you.
David: Thanks for your reply. Looks like we have a fix.
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