ISTAT file

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ISTAT file

Postby Nikolaus Gruchot » Tue Nov 02, 2004 2:15 am

Hi all,

v 7.1. Reports configuration screen:

Creation of ISTAT file -> Select whether or not you want ShopSite to use
ISTAT files when generating reports.

What is an ISTAT file please?

Thank you for helping my continuing education :-)


Nikolaus Gruchot

Re: ISTAT file

Postby loren_d_c » Tue Nov 02, 2004 9:47 am

In ShopSite Pro, when an order is placed two encrypted files are created
that represent that order, an iorder.[ordernumber].new that contains the
order info that eventually goes into the orders database (when you go to
the Orders menu they get sucked in) and istats.[ordernumber].new which
contains some abbreviated information that get sucked into a file called
orders.stats.db when you check Reports. This information is only used in
by certain functions of the Reports Summaries, which is only a Pro
feature, so these files are not even created for non-Pro stores. Since
some Pro users do not use the Reports (or they do use some Reports
features but not the Summaries), an option was added to turn off
creation of these files so that they would not just continue to
accumulate in the data directory.

So if you use the Reports Summaries and you expect to see the number of
sales and the monetary amount generated from a particular page when you
view the Page Summary, or the same type of information in the Host
Summary, then leave that setting on 'Yes'. If you don't use those
features, if you don't care about those and/or you don't check the
ShopSite Reports often, you can set it to 'No' and save yourself a
little bit of disk space and inodes (probably not really a significant
amount unless you have a very busy store).


Nikolaus Gruchot wrote:
Hi all,

v 7.1. Reports configuration screen:

Creation of ISTAT file -> Select whether or not you want ShopSite to use
ISTAT files when generating reports.

What is an ISTAT file please?

Thank you for helping my continuing education :-)



Posts: 2572
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 12:02 pm
Location: Anywhere

Re: ISTAT file

Postby Nikolaus Gruchot » Wed Nov 03, 2004 3:43 am

Hi Loren,

thank you for this information. Now put it in the shopsite help pages and
you will not need to answer the same question again :-)


"Loren" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
In ShopSite Pro, when an order is placed two encrypted files are created
that represent that order, an iorder.[ordernumber].new that contains the
order info that eventually goes into the orders database (when you go to
the Orders menu they get sucked in) and istats.[ordernumber].new which
contains some abbreviated information that get sucked into a file called
orders.stats.db when you check Reports. This information is only used in
by certain functions of the Reports Summaries, which is only a Pro
feature, so these files are not even created for non-Pro stores. Since
some Pro users do not use the Reports (or they do use some Reports
features but not the Summaries), an option was added to turn off creation
of these files so that they would not just continue to accumulate in the
data directory.

So if you use the Reports Summaries and you expect to see the number of
sales and the monetary amount generated from a particular page when you
view the Page Summary, or the same type of information in the Host
Summary, then leave that setting on 'Yes'. If you don't use those
features, if you don't care about those and/or you don't check the
ShopSite Reports often, you can set it to 'No' and save yourself a little
bit of disk space and inodes (probably not really a significant amount
unless you have a very busy store).


Nikolaus Gruchot wrote:
Hi all,

v 7.1. Reports configuration screen:

Creation of ISTAT file -> Select whether or not you want ShopSite to
use ISTAT files when generating reports.

What is an ISTAT file please?

Thank you for helping my continuing education :-)


Nikolaus Gruchot

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