Who is Using Stone Edge's Product Manager with ShopSite?

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Who is Using Stone Edge\'s Product Manager with ShopSite?

Postby Larry Bohen » Mon Nov 01, 2004 5:33 pm

We currently maintain over 9000 audiobook products in an Access db and
upload to our ShopSite Pro 7.1 store. We also link the Access db to Stone
Edge's Order Manager for product inventory. I understand (from Stone Edge)
that most Order Manager users DO NOT link to a separate Access db for
product inventory. The main use of our Access db is to maintain our db of
over 9000 audiobook products for uploading to our ShopSite store.

I'm thinking that our linked Access table is causing some Order Manager
problems that Stone Edge is unable to solve so am exploring other ways to
maintain our product db and inventory.

I'm would like to hear from ShopSite users who are not using a linked db.

How do you maintain your db of products/inventory?

Do you use Stone Edge's Product Manager? Do you like Product Manager? ....

Thank you

Larry Bohen
Larry Bohen

Re: Who is Using Stone Edge\'s Product Manager with ShopSite

Postby Brandon Eley » Mon Nov 01, 2004 8:32 pm

We use Product Manager and like it, even though it's a little overkill
for what we need. We don't have near as many products as you, so you
will definately get more use out of it than we do.

It's got a ton of features to manage pages and products, but doesn't
have a whole lot to manage multiple products at a time. We just open a
special query we created to update inventory so we can do it quicker on
multiple products at a time. Still, being access based, you can do a lot
of customizations like that easily.

Brandon Eley
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Larry Bohen wrote:
We currently maintain over 9000 audiobook products in an Access db and
upload to our ShopSite Pro 7.1 store. We also link the Access db to Stone
Edge's Order Manager for product inventory. I understand (from Stone Edge)
that most Order Manager users DO NOT link to a separate Access db for
product inventory. The main use of our Access db is to maintain our db of
over 9000 audiobook products for uploading to our ShopSite store.

I'm thinking that our linked Access table is causing some Order Manager
problems that Stone Edge is unable to solve so am exploring other ways to
maintain our product db and inventory.

I'm would like to hear from ShopSite users who are not using a linked db.

How do you maintain your db of products/inventory?

Do you use Stone Edge's Product Manager? Do you like Product Manager? ....

Thank you
Brandon Eley

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