Subproducts dropdown box - Deafult value

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Subproducts dropdown box - Deafult value

Postby Andrea » Wed Oct 13, 2004 2:18 pm


We have created a product template that displays the subproducts names and
prices in a dropdown box.
Currently, the default value of the dropdown box is the first subproduct
name and price.
How could we have "Ordering Options", or any other short message, appear as
the default value in the dropdown box rather than seeing the first

At the moment we have developed a template that displays "Ordering Options"
as the default value by hard coding in the "Ordering Option" option just
above the dynamic dropdown:

<SELECT name=itemnum>
<option selected value="#">Ordering Options</option>

but, for some strange reason, if the client chooses "Ordering Options"
rather than an actual product, he gets a $50 gift certificate in the
shopping cart (this is the default value of our gift certificate product).

I hope someone can enlighten me.
I am happy to upload the template if that would help.
Thank you in advance for any suggestion.

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