Custom Shopping Cart Templates Prob.

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Custom Shopping Cart Templates Prob.

Postby saus » Fri Oct 01, 2004 8:54 am

I'm new to shopsite and trying to work with custom templates.
I created a template based on the existing SC template,

I'm trying to wrap the shopping cart inside the general look of the website,
so I'm building the template to include the general look and navigation of
the site.

I did this by building the template with the needed SC tags inside a table
in the main block of the page, great.

Now I uploaded this template to previewed it (tried assigning it in general
to the store as well.) None of my html image tags are being properly pulled
up to construct the page, instead the source code is coming up. while the
actual shopping cart portion is fine

for ex:
in the source of the page:
<td>image src="/images/blank.gif" width="16" height="16" />

this should pull up the image from my ssl directory, instead the page is
skewy and I'm getting the actual code where the image should be in the
generated page:
image src="/images/blank.gif" width="16" height="16" />

the regular SC images, like:
<input type=image src="....../ss_images/en-CA/continue_shopping.gif"

are coming up just fine, I'm confused - can anyone point me in the direction
I've gone wrong?

I thought maybe my relative urls were wrong, so I put in a full reference to
the images using https://mydomain/ssl/images/blank.gif and that did the

Thanks for any insight

Re: Custom Shopping Cart Templates Prob.

Postby Keith Petty » Fri Oct 01, 2004 9:28 am

I would start by checking all of your html.

"for ex:
in the source of the page:
<td>image src="/images/blank.gif" width="16" height="16" />"

<td><image src="/images/blank.gif" width="16" height="16" />"

saus wrote:

I'm new to shopsite and trying to work with custom templates.
I created a template based on the existing SC template,

I'm trying to wrap the shopping cart inside the general look of the website,
so I'm building the template to include the general look and navigation of
the site.

I did this by building the template with the needed SC tags inside a table
in the main block of the page, great.

Now I uploaded this template to previewed it (tried assigning it in general
to the store as well.) None of my html image tags are being properly pulled
up to construct the page, instead the source code is coming up. while the
actual shopping cart portion is fine

for ex:
in the source of the page:
td>image src="/images/blank.gif" width="16" height="16" /

this should pull up the image from my ssl directory, instead the page is
skewy and I'm getting the actual code where the image should be in the
generated page:
image src="/images/blank.gif" width="16" height="16" /

the regular SC images, like:
input type=image src="....../ss_images/en-CA/continue_shopping.gif"

are coming up just fine, I'm confused - can anyone point me in the direction
I've gone wrong?

I thought maybe my relative urls were wrong, so I put in a full reference to
the images using https://mydomain/ssl/images/blank.gif and that did the

Thanks for any insight

Keith Petty

Re: Custom Shopping Cart Templates Prob.

Postby saus » Fri Oct 01, 2004 10:51 am

Hi Keith,

thank you for the reply,
That was quick cut & paste errors in my examples as i was 'multitasking' at
the time lol,
but I figured it out nonetheless, it works when the an input type is used
<input type=image src="/images/blank.gif" />

I didn't find that in the shopsite documentation, but tried it from the
source codes from the image files in the regular shopsite outputs.


"Keith Petty" <> wrote in message
I would start by checking all of your html.

"for ex:
in the source of the page:
td>image src="/images/blank.gif" width="16" height="16" />"

td><image src="/images/blank.gif" width="16" height="16" />"

saus wrote:

I'm new to shopsite and trying to work with custom templates.
I created a template based on the existing SC template,

I'm trying to wrap the shopping cart inside the general look of the
so I'm building the template to include the general look and navigation
the site.

I did this by building the template with the needed SC tags inside a
in the main block of the page, great.

Now I uploaded this template to previewed it (tried assigning it in
to the store as well.) None of my html image tags are being properly
up to construct the page, instead the source code is coming up. while the
actual shopping cart portion is fine

for ex:
in the source of the page:
td>image src="/images/blank.gif" width="16" height="16" /

this should pull up the image from my ssl directory, instead the page is
skewy and I'm getting the actual code where the image should be in the
generated page:
image src="/images/blank.gif" width="16" height="16" /

the regular SC images, like:
input type=image src="....../ss_images/en-CA/continue_shopping.gif"

are coming up just fine, I'm confused - can anyone point me in the
I've gone wrong?

I thought maybe my relative urls were wrong, so I put in a full reference
the images using https://mydomain/ssl/images/blank.gif and that did the

Thanks for any insight


Re: Custom Shopping Cart Templates Prob.

Postby Keith Petty » Fri Oct 01, 2004 4:43 pm

Hi Saus,

One other thing to think about is which html tags you are using for
images and links.

Need an image only... this will work
<img src="/images/some.gif" />
but this will not
<image src="/images/some.gif" />

Need a link with an image only... you could try this
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="/images/some.gif" />

Need to process data and send it using some script... something like this is what you will want
<input type=image src="/images/some.gif" onClick="return(Some_Script_Action_Here);" />


saus wrote:

Hi Keith,

thank you for the reply,
That was quick cut & paste errors in my examples as i was 'multitasking' at
the time lol,
but I figured it out nonetheless, it works when the an input type is used
input type=image src="/images/blank.gif" /

I didn't find that in the shopsite documentation, but tried it from the
source codes from the image files in the regular shopsite outputs.


"Keith Petty" <> wrote in message

I would start by checking all of your html.

"for ex:
in the source of the page:
td>image src="/images/blank.gif" width="16" height="16" />"

td><image src="/images/blank.gif" width="16" height="16" />"

saus wrote:

I'm new to shopsite and trying to work with custom templates.
I created a template based on the existing SC template,

I'm trying to wrap the shopping cart inside the general look of the


so I'm building the template to include the general look and navigation


the site.

I did this by building the template with the needed SC tags inside a


in the main block of the page, great.

Now I uploaded this template to previewed it (tried assigning it in


to the store as well.) None of my html image tags are being properly


up to construct the page, instead the source code is coming up. while the
actual shopping cart portion is fine

for ex:
in the source of the page:
td>image src="/images/blank.gif" width="16" height="16" /

this should pull up the image from my ssl directory, instead the page is
skewy and I'm getting the actual code where the image should be in the
generated page:
image src="/images/blank.gif" width="16" height="16" /

the regular SC images, like:
input type=image src="....../ss_images/en-CA/continue_shopping.gif"

are coming up just fine, I'm confused - can anyone point me in the


I've gone wrong?

I thought maybe my relative urls were wrong, so I put in a full reference


the images using https://mydomain/ssl/images/blank.gif and that did the

Thanks for any insight

Keith Petty

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