ShopSite 7 vs Shopsite 6.3.0 - what's new (in the Pro vers

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ShopSite 7 vs Shopsite 6.3.0 - what\'s new (in the Pro vers

Postby Shiperton Henethe » Thu Feb 05, 2004 10:44 am


I've been out of touch for a while.
I see that ShopSite 7 has come out.
How long has this been out? (ie how stable is it!!)
Is there a page telling me what's new somewhere?

With thanks

Shiperton Henethe
Shiperton Henethe

Re: ShopSite 7 vs Shopsite 6.3.0 - what\'s new (in the Pro

Postby loren_d_c » Thu Feb 05, 2004 11:03 am

v7 has been out since December, you can always find a link to new
features in the various versions at:

You can see the comparison between product levels (Pro vs. Manager vs.
Starter) at:

Anyone can sign up for a technical bulletin mailing list that is
notified of new versions, patches, etc. You can find information about
signing up for that at:


Shiperton Henethe wrote:


I've been out of touch for a while.
I see that ShopSite 7 has come out.
How long has this been out? (ie how stable is it!!)
Is there a page telling me what's new somewhere?

With thanks

Shiperton Henethe

Posts: 2571
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 12:02 pm
Location: Anywhere

Including the product SKU in email sent to merchant

Postby Guest » Mon Jun 21, 2004 1:15 pm


I desparately need help to customize what is sent to a merchant by email
when a customer places an order. Currently, the email message does not
include the SKU of the product, and the merchant needs the SKU for
fulfilling the order.

The software is ShopSite Manager V 7.0. I am not the hosting company, I
am a programmer helping the merchant with converting their products to
shopsite from mercantec. Do I need to be the hosting company to do this?

I would greatly appreciate any help. Thank you very much.

Bapa Rao

Including the product SKU in email sent to merchant

Postby Guest » Mon Jun 21, 2004 1:16 pm


I desparately need help to customize what is sent to a merchant by email
when a customer places an order. Currently, the email message does not
include the SKU of the product, and the merchant needs the SKU for
fulfilling the order.

The software is ShopSite Manager V 7.0. I am not the hosting company, I
am a programmer helping the merchant with converting their products to
shopsite from mercantec. Do I need to be the hosting company to do this?

I would greatly appreciate any help. Thank you very much.

Bapa Rao

Re: Including the product SKU in email sent to merchant

Postby loren_d_c » Mon Jun 21, 2004 1:22 pm

The default ShopSite email receipt to the merchant already includes the
SKU of the products ordered (if SKUs were assigned in the products' SKU
field). If your's doesn't, then you have a problem, and you would need
to report the issue to the merchant's host or ShopSite reseller.

-Loren wrote:

I desparately need help to customize what is sent to a merchant by email
when a customer places an order. Currently, the email message does not
include the SKU of the product, and the merchant needs the SKU for
fulfilling the order.

The software is ShopSite Manager V 7.0. I am not the hosting company, I
am a programmer helping the merchant with converting their products to
shopsite from mercantec. Do I need to be the hosting company to do this?

I would greatly appreciate any help. Thank you very much.

Bapa Rao
Posts: 2571
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 12:02 pm
Location: Anywhere

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