Error in Form

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Error in Form

Postby Dan Opperman » Sat May 22, 2004 4:35 am

We're using ShopSite 7
Is there any way to customize the Error in Form page in order.cgi (see
below) Apparently, we have a lot of customers that either can't read or
don't know where the BACK button is on their browser. I get 2-3 calls per
week from people saying they got to an Error Form that they couldn't get out
of. I'd like to put a "Return To Cart" button on this form.

Error in Form!

We're sorry, but there was an error in your form data!
Please specify a valid value for the Surcharge .

Please press the Back button on your browser to correct the error.

-- Thanks, Dan
Dan Opperman

Re: Error in Form

Postby Nikolaus Gruchot » Sun May 23, 2004 4:38 am

Hello Dan,

how about taking the simple approach: Go to ->Preferences -> Store Text ->
Messages and change the wording into: "Please press the "Back" button on
your browser to correct the error. The "Back" button is located in the upper
left corner of your browser window."

Best regards,


"Dan Opperman" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
We're using ShopSite 7
Is there any way to customize the Error in Form page in order.cgi (see
below) Apparently, we have a lot of customers that either can't read or
don't know where the BACK button is on their browser. I get 2-3 calls per
week from people saying they got to an Error Form that they couldn't get
of. I'd like to put a "Return To Cart" button on this form.

Error in Form!

We're sorry, but there was an error in your form data!
Please specify a valid value for the Surcharge .

Please press the Back button on your browser to correct the error.
Nikolaus Gruchot

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