New? Visa MasterCard regulations

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New? Visa MasterCard regulations

Postby shoplite » Thu Aug 30, 2001 7:03 pm

We seem to be getting conflicting information from our bank, the banks
processor and our credit card software vendor. (many of us retrieve order
from the back office and import into separate software for processing). My
impression that no single person has the same picture which puts us in a
"Electronic Commerce (EC) transactions require an EC indicator and indicate
the level of security of the transaction through their credit card equipment
during authorization and the settlement process". Who can clairfy what this
Does anyone use PTC Software, PCCharge, Tranz 380, Eclipse or Thales
We also understand that the CVV2/CVC2 numbers may be required (we believe
that these are the extra digits found on the back of the card) but clearly,
as far as we can see shopsite is not setup to capture this field.
Any experts out there?
Tks Richard

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