Importing to quickbooks

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Importing to quickbooks

Postby Heartsmith » Mon Sep 09, 2002 6:16 pm

I'm looking for anyone on this forum who has been successful in importing
shopsite data into quickbooks and running their business that way!?

I've been trying but the darndest things keep happening and I'm not sure how
to correct them.
First of all, the date keeps changing to 1982 instead of 2002. It creates
it's own items and categories instead of using the ones already there...

I was thrilled when I saw the "import to quickbooks" feature in the new
version of Shopsite. But still have not been able to use it. What am I

Love is your business, hearts are ours

Re: Importing to quickbooks

Postby loren_d_c » Mon Sep 09, 2002 6:47 pm

What version of QuickBooks are you using and on what operating system? And what
version of ShopSite do you have?


Heartsmith wrote:

I'm looking for anyone on this forum who has been successful in importing
shopsite data into quickbooks and running their business that way!?

I've been trying but the darndest things keep happening and I'm not sure how
to correct them.
First of all, the date keeps changing to 1982 instead of 2002. It creates
it's own items and categories instead of using the ones already there...

I was thrilled when I saw the "import to quickbooks" feature in the new
version of Shopsite. But still have not been able to use it. What am I

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Re: Importing to quickbooks

Postby Heartsmith » Tue Sep 10, 2002 9:10 am

I am using quickbooks pro for the mac right now. I am using the very latest
version of Shopsite, 6.1.1

I have also tried to import into my files on a pc running Quickbooks Basic
2002. At least the date didn't change, but there were some other problems.
It kept prompting me that there was a duplicate order number and "did I want
to fix it?" I said no. And when I reviewed the orders, each and every order
imported was doubled. The PC is running on ME.



Re: Importing to quickbooks

Postby loren_d_c » Tue Sep 10, 2002 12:24 pm

The QuickBooks import is currently only supported for QuickBooks 2000 (or
greater) for Windows. It may work for mac if you can get Intuit to help you make
the dates work the same as they do in Windows, but it is not guaranteed.

As far as the issue with the duplicates, I have not heard of this happening
before, but you could try loading the iif file into excel before you import it
to see if there are actually doubles in the download file (which I doubt, unless
you also see them doubled in ShopSite). Also note that the iif file will contain
all of the orders that are currently in ShopSite, so if you had downloaded and
imported before and did not then delete those orders from ShopSite, then the
next downloaded file will still contain those orders, which could cause
duplicates if imported.


Heartsmith wrote:

I am using quickbooks pro for the mac right now. I am using the very latest
version of Shopsite, 6.1.1

I have also tried to import into my files on a pc running Quickbooks Basic
2002. At least the date didn't change, but there were some other problems.
It kept prompting me that there was a duplicate order number and "did I want
to fix it?" I said no. And when I reviewed the orders, each and every order
imported was doubled. The PC is running on ME.


Posts: 2572
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 12:02 pm
Location: Anywhere

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