v 6.1/Foreign Shipping

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v 6.1/Foreign Shipping

Postby Chris » Tue Jul 16, 2002 1:41 pm


At the request of our outside prorammer, we upgraded from version 6.03
Pro to version 6.1 Pro.

But, I'm having a problem configuring Foreign Shipping....

Under Commerce Setup--State and Country, even if I have "text field"
chosen for country, it still says "at least one country must be
selected." Then, if I just choose USA, it disallows all orders from
other countries with a "the requested service is not available to the
requested locations" message in the customer shopping cart. If I use
the Drop-Down list and choose "Select all," a bunch of countries are
left out of the menu because UPS doesn't support them. However, I don't
care if UPS supports them, as we don't ship Foreign Orders by UPS
anyway. For example, Japan is a common country for our foreign orders
and it doesn't appear in the UPS list.

Is there any way around this. We are using Simple Shipping by Weight
and UPS Shipping combined. Can we keep UPS activated and use a text box
and/or have ALL countries appear in the Drop-Down menu REGARDLESS of
whether or not UPS supports them?



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