New Order Manager Users Guide Available

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New Order Manager Users Guide Available

Postby Barney Stone » Tue Jun 11, 2002 1:56 pm

The long awaited new User's Guide for the Stone Edge Order Manager is now
available for downloading at:

It's a free download for anyone who is interested. It includes all of the
features that we've added over the last couple of years.

If you've thought about purchasing the Order Manager, this is a great way to
find out about all of its features.

If you've got the Order Manager but have not upgraded recently, find out
what you've been missing.

If you've purchased or updated the Order Manager recently, here's the
documentation you've been waiting for, and thanks for your patience!

We'll be adding more useful sections to the User's Guide over the next few
weeks, but we wanted to get this out to everyone who is interested ASAP!

- Barney Stone, President
Stone Edge Technologies, Inc.
Barney Stone

Re: New Order Manager Users Guide Available

Postby Larry Bohen » Wed Jun 12, 2002 4:49 am

WOW! Nice new Web site Barney.

I've downloaded the new .pdf manual and am particularly interested in the
new feature "Compatible with Postal Package Partner for USPS shipping."

Thank you.

"Barney Stone" <> wrote in message
The long awaited new User's Guide for the Stone Edge Order Manager is now
available for downloading at:

It's a free download for anyone who is interested. It includes all of the
features that we've added over the last couple of years.

If you've thought about purchasing the Order Manager, this is a great way
find out about all of its features.

If you've got the Order Manager but have not upgraded recently, find out
what you've been missing.

If you've purchased or updated the Order Manager recently, here's the
documentation you've been waiting for, and thanks for your patience!

We'll be adding more useful sections to the User's Guide over the next few
weeks, but we wanted to get this out to everyone who is interested ASAP!

- Barney Stone, President
Stone Edge Technologies, Inc.

Larry Bohen

Re: New Order Manager Users Guide Available

Postby Katrina Morris » Fri Jun 14, 2002 3:33 pm

Barney & Kevin,

Great work - this will be a great help when I go to train my cashiers on the
POS system. Very nice...


"Barney Stone" <> wrote in message
The long awaited new User's Guide for the Stone Edge Order Manager is now
available for downloading at:

It's a free download for anyone who is interested. It includes all of the
features that we've added over the last couple of years.

If you've thought about purchasing the Order Manager, this is a great way
find out about all of its features.

If you've got the Order Manager but have not upgraded recently, find out
what you've been missing.

If you've purchased or updated the Order Manager recently, here's the
documentation you've been waiting for, and thanks for your patience!

We'll be adding more useful sections to the User's Guide over the next few
weeks, but we wanted to get this out to everyone who is interested ASAP!

- Barney Stone, President
Stone Edge Technologies, Inc.

Katrina Morris

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