Customer Reviews not showing up

General ShopSite user discussion

Customer Reviews not showing up

Postby searchcitrus » Mon Sep 02, 2013 5:56 am

I added the function for customer reviews and they are not showing up. I figured out that they will show up on standard products, however the majority of my products have sub products.

Is there a way to have the customer review the main product so it will show up on the site? Or is it possible to move the review to the main product after they leave it?

My site is set up with a main product that is never purchased and has all the display information (Picture, description, etc). Then I have up to five different subproducts displayed with different skus for sizes that they order. The reminder emails going out to review the products show these items and not the main product and so the reviews are not showing up on the more info page.

Please help
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Joined: Mon Sep 02, 2013 5:49 am

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