Alert Message After User Submitting Payment Form

General ShopSite user discussion

Alert Message After User Submitting Payment Form

Postby sellmethemoney » Mon May 06, 2013 11:41 am


We have been getting more duplicate payments lately in our Shopping cart because users keep on clicking the Submit Order button more than once. Right now, there's no alert message or pop up screen in the page that tells them they have already submitted their payment. I was researching this issue and found out version ShopSite Pro 10 sp2 r2 should have some validation code that prevents the user from double clicking after submitting the form.

I am hoping to enable this so the user can see the shopping cart alert:

"Please wait, processing already started," which we're planning on changing to something like "Your payment has been submitted. Please wait. Do not click the browser Back button or refresh the page until the payment is completed."

This morning, we got a single payment posted 6 times to our credit card payment gateway. We were able to void the 5 extra payments, but most of the times we have to issue refunds the following day after something like this occurs. Due to the nature of our business, most users can only purchase their items in the shopping cart once a year (renewals), so we're hoping to fix this.

Is the function RemoveFakeDisable the one that is supposed to do this? If so, where in the shopping cart template should go?

Thank you.
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Re: Alert Message After User Submitting Payment Form

Postby Jim » Mon May 06, 2013 1:00 pm

Are you using a ShopSite provided template or a custom shopping cart template? I searched our template but could not find reference to RemoveFakeDisable . If it is something that ShopSite is outputting it might be added to the cart with the template tag [-- SC_JavaScript Extras --] so if you have a custom template make sure you have that tag in it.

I would strongly suggest that you upgrade to the latest version of ShopSite, version 11 sp2 r4. The software version you are using is 2 1/2 years ( 3 major releases) old and there have been many improvements in that time. See for a list of enhancements and new features.

One new feature is having the screen grayed out and all buttons deactivated when the submit button is clicked. That should prevent the type of issue you are having. In addition to that functionality better validation is preformed to let the shopper know what fields they may not have filled in by highlighting them in red.
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