Facebook Share/Like Buttons

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Facebook Share/Like Buttons

Postby LaurenH » Mon May 06, 2013 11:00 am

Hi there,
I am trying to get the Facebook share/like buttons in the middle of my home page so they are more visible. Enabling them through the back office controls puts them at the very bottom of my pages in the corners and are not very noticeable with my color scheme. I used this code:
in the body of my page content and it just keeps showing up as text on the page, not as the button. What am i doing wrong?
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Re: Facebook Share/Like Buttons

Postby Jim » Mon May 06, 2013 6:00 pm

The template tags must be in the template, they can not be put in a text field on the page, which is what it sounds like you are doing.

If you are putting them in the template please let us know the url for a page with the problem so we can look at it and see if we can determine what is happening.
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Re: Facebook Share/Like Buttons

Postby LaurenH » Tue May 07, 2013 6:13 am

I was putting them in the text feild, you are correct. But how do I change the placement of them on the page by putting them in the page template? The url to the page is www.handsonsupply.com and they are only showing in the far bottom corners.
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Re: Facebook Share/Like Buttons

Postby Jim » Tue May 07, 2013 7:30 am

Your store is using the Mondrian.sst page template. You could modify that template by making a copy of it under Mercandising > Custom Templates > Pages > Copy ShopSite template. Then edit the template and add the template tags where you wish the Facebook links to display.

Another way to do it would be to view the html source of one of your pages that contains the Facebook images and copy the html that is displaying them. Then take that html and put it in a page text field where you previously had the template tags.

When viewing the source of your page I noticed that you have some bad html in the META section. There is no closing > on the line <meta name="Whether...
There is also a problem in the line <META HTTP-EQUIV="reply-to" CONTENT="axdxea@xcxt.com (Marketing)""> because there are two quote marks at the end before the > (NOTE: I changed the email address so it won't be indexed on this site. I really doubt that it is a good idea to include an email address like that on a web page as it will be found by spammers and you will get lots of spam from it.)
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Re: Facebook Share/Like Buttons

Postby LaurenH » Tue May 07, 2013 10:43 am

Thank you, Jim, this site has been developed over a long period of time by so many people and I am just diving into working with it now. I am really not sure what those errors would effect?
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Re: Facebook Share/Like Buttons

Postby Jim » Tue May 07, 2013 12:04 pm

The would affect search engines that read that information and use it to rank your site. I don't think it is affecting the display of the pages or that it would necessarily cause a shopper to have problems with the site. But if you are concerned with SEO you should see about fixing it.
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