Hello again everyone, this might be a little off topic, but I was wondering if anyone out there has a store set up for multiple types of customers (i.e. wholesale vs retail).
Example, we sell guitar strings. we have our customer store front at http://www.circlekstrings.com/store which includes 5 quantity pricing levels
I would like to add (if possible) a new "store" for luthiers (guitar builders) who use our products as OEM items on the instruments. This site would require the user to set up an account with us, and when they log in they get a different range of prices. the problem I am finding is that our prices for luthiers are not 'a certain percentage' discount but a completely different pricing model so we cant simply use a percentage discount, or coupon.
I was messing around with quantity pricing and found that if we could offer certain individuals the "20+" pricing for even just one item, that would work perfectly.
Any thoughts on this? anyone doing something similar?
thanks in advance