by Jim » Fri Mar 15, 2013 10:17 pm
The first thing I do when trying to isolate a problem like this is to run the code through an html validator like the one at
The first error reported is that there is a closing </div> without an opening one. Then there are a number of other errors reported. One of the main ones (although it probably wouldn't cause this problem) is that you are using xhtml closing tags on your html elements but the page is not written in XHTML it is HTML 4.01.
The next thing I do is get rid of all the fancy formatting in the spans and just use the most basic html to display the text and then all formatting to make it look better. So for you address info I would have
<div style="align:center" >
PO Box 235869<br>
Encinitas, California 92023<br>
Email Address: <br>
Customer Service: 1-800-549-6278 <br>
"Innovative Product Solutions"<br>
You may want to put a width to the div and possibly add some space with another div to position it where you want it. Once you have the placement working then go back and add any styles that might be necessary. You have way more <span> than are really needed because they repeat styles that are already in affect.