by Jim » Thu Mar 07, 2013 3:04 pm
I have confirmed that this is happening on product more information pages but not on regular store pages. I have logged a bug for our developers to look into why the problem is occurring and get it fixed. Not sure on the time frame when it will happen.
I'm not sure if there is a work around for this issue. Here is what is output for the tag [-- SS_MOBILE_PC --] on a normal page
<a href="http://<>/<page.html>" onclick="set_mobile_cookie('ss_mb_0000001001', 'st', 2);return true;" title="View Full HTML Site">View Full HTML Site</a>
So you might be able to create that code with other template tags and get it to work.
something like <a href="[-- PRODUCT.MOREINFOURL --]"> onclick=set_mobile_cookie('ss_mb_[-- STORE_Serial_Number --]','st',2);return true;" title="View Full HTML Site">View Full Html Site</a>
I don't know what the possible parameters for set_mobile_cookie mean other than the fist part is the store serial number, the 'st' and 2 I have no Idea what they are. I couldn't find the function set_mobile_cookie in the javascript files that we ship so it may be something that is added by the generation code.
Disclaimer: I didn't try this so I don't know if it will work but you might give it a try.
There is probably different code generated if you are on the full html site for the link to go back to the mobile site so that might be something that won't work.