Wordpress plugin for a category page

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Wordpress plugin for a category page

Postby utz119 » Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:06 am

I was wondering if there is a way to create a category page using the shopsite plugin for the wordpress.

My goal is to have a list of products on the category page and each product will have several images (as image gallery) and zoom function.

I watched the tutorial video but no mention about the category page. Is this possible?
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Re: Wordpress plugin for a category page

Postby Jim » Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:11 am

The Wordpress plugin was designed for individual products not pages. however, since it uses a product template you could probably create a special product template that listed your category items as subproducts to the product and perhaps get it to work. I don't think a page template would work for the template since only certain template tags would be allowed in the template used for the embedded ShopSite Wordpress template.
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