If a user clicks on an Adwords ad from a mobile device and gets redirected to the mobile pages, the visit is not recorded in Analytics. I received this explanation from Google Analytics:
"when a user clicks on your ad from their mobile device, they are driven to the ad's destination URL. Right now your destination URL leads to your desktop's website, and redirects the user when it realizes they are on a mobile device. However, during this redirect your website is dropping the parameters attached to your URL that allows our system to track visitors to your mobile website.
You will have to work with your webmaster to either do one of the following:
1. Have the gclid tracking parameter pass through the redirect (http://support.google.com/analytics/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=1714454)
2. Use the final mobile website's landing page as the ad destination URL
3. Remove the redirect on mobile devices."
Do you know of a fix for this in Shopsite? I am missing the Analytics data on about half of my Adwords spend because of this issue. Thanks.