Name is Cody, and I simply require some assistance please

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Name is Cody, and I simply require some assistance please

Postby cacwoody » Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:28 pm

Hey there fellas, my name is Cody and I am attempting to create a fully functioning eCommerce website for tobacco sales out of California with little to none programming experience.

I'm using shopsite obviously and I have been able to do all of the information inputting with ease: uploading product images, descriptions, making product pages, etc... The "only" things I don't have the slightest clue of how to accomplish are the bells and whistles which come along side a typical eCommerce website.

Some things that come to mind are:

I want to make it possible for customers to register and login to their user accounts.

Instead of a "shopping cart," I want a sort of 'wish list,' where my customers can just select the items they wish to purchase, create a wishlist and send it to me via email. Without having to go through a payment check out process.

How do I create a "site map," with links to any and all product brands, so my customers can simply search by brand.

>>On this note, I also want a drop down menu with all the brand names as well. Alongside the rest of my menu tabs.

I'm sure multiple other obsticles will surface but I'd like to see if the things I've mentioned are even possible by using shop site, and if they are, if someone whom has barely any experience can accomplish them effectively.

Thank you for your time for reading and your time for responding if you so choose to.

- Cody Wood :| :?:
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:14 pm

Re: Name is Cody, and I simply require some assistance pleas

Postby Jim » Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:34 am

Code: Select all
I want to make it possible for customers to register and login to their user accounts.
Customer Registration is available in ShopSite Pro level stores.
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Instead of a "shopping cart," I want a sort of 'wish list,' where my customers can just select the items they wish to purchase, create a wishlist and send it to me via email. Without having to go through a payment check out process.
ShopSite is a complete shopping cart including the checkout process. If you want the shopper to email you a copy of what they want to order you could have them print the order, or save a screen shot of the page and email that to you. But they would totally miss out on what a shopping cart is actually for.

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How do I create a "site map," with links to any and all product brands, so my customers can simply search by brand.

Create a "master brands" page that will contain links to pages for each brand, Then create a page for each brand and assign that page to the "Master brands" page. Create your products and assign them to the appropriate brand page.

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 I also want a drop down menu with all the brand names as well. Alongside the rest of my menu tabs.
The Navigation feature found under Preferences > Navigation allows you to create a dropdown style menu for the top of pages. YOu can add link to the menu to go to brand page and submenus if you want to divide brand pages into multiple pages.
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