WYSIWYG Editor on Pages does not work in Windows 8

General ShopSite user discussion

WYSIWYG Editor on Pages does not work in Windows 8

Postby PWC » Thu Dec 20, 2012 1:18 am

A client is complaining that the WYSIWYG html editor on Edit Pages does not function. He has to edit it in raw html text.

It works fine using Windows 7 but not Windows 8. It also seems to work fine on the Edit Product page, just not the Edit Pages page.

Running the latest version 11 with all of the patches applied on a Windows 2003 IIS server.

Any input on this?


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Re: WYSIWYG Editor on Pages does not work in Windows 8

Postby Jim » Thu Dec 20, 2012 11:48 am

I have verified that the problem exists. A work around is to use the Compatibility mode (accessed from the address bar of IE10) which allows it to work as expected. We'll look for a fix for a future release of ShopSite.
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