Order Manager No Longer Supports Linked Product Table

General ShopSite user discussion

Order Manager No Longer Supports Linked Product Table

Postby lbohen » Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:39 am

We have been using Stone Edge's Order Manager (OM) for at many years with a linked MS Access product db. The product db is used to maintain our 17,000 products, populates our ShopSite Pro store and provides OM with inventory.

Our current version of OM is 5.912 which was released 3/4/2010 = the last time we updated OM. We want to install the latest version of OM (5.935) released recently to take advantage of improvements but after spending many hours with Stone Edge tech support I was told this morning that OM no longer supports linked tables and the latest version cannot be installed. This is a significant negative situation for us.

I would like to hear how other ShopSite stores that use / used a linked Access product db to OM have resolved this situation.
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