Disabled Fields in checkout screen?

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Disabled Fields in checkout screen?

Postby nacd_webmaster » Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:20 am

We were, recently, forced to upgrade to Shopsite v11.1 from 10.0, as 10.0 went EOL on our host/sponsor. I'm not sure if that's contributing to our problem, but we now notice that our International customers (i.e. non USA & Canada) can't complete orders because the "Checkout" panel requires a "state" to be entered in the "Bill to:" section.

When I go to the Checkout panel (under Commerce), It lists all the fields one can include on the checkout screen for both Billing & Shipping addresses, and other info. There are two check boxes for each field ("display" and "required"). For most fields, we can select either of these check boxes. However, some of the check boxes are "checked on" and they are also "disabled from update," (greyed out) meaning we can't uncheck them. Things like "State," "Telephone No," etc.

And here lies the problem. Since most of our International Customers (except in Canada, for which there are provinces in the "state" field), do not enter a "state," the order fails in Shopsite because they have nothing to enter! It doesn't matter what the payment processor will approve or not, because the order never gets that far... it doesn't complete in Shopsite! Changing the "state" field from "drop down" to "text entry" doesn't help. The field is still required, and if nothing is entered in it, the order will still fail in Shopsite.

Has anyone else encountered this issue, and what, if anything, have you done to resolve it? Is there a way around getting these check box fields to be "re-enabled?" Perhaps something I can tell my host provider to do (it's their offering of Shopsite).

Thanks much. Very desperate here, since my International Customers can't enter orders!

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Re: Disabled Fields in checkout screen?

Postby Jim » Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:57 am

On the Commerce Setup > States and Countries screen, edit the list of states and add something like "Not Applicable;NA" or "none;NA" or "International;NA" what ever you would like that the international customers can choose. The ; and 2 letters are required at the end because there is code that checks for a 2 letter abbreviation for the "state" which will be displayed in some situations. You could use other letters but NA is pretty widely know as "not applicable" and isn't the abbreviation for a state or country.

The problem should not have been caused by the upgrade itself though since this functionality has been around for as long as I can remember. It may be that one of the features you are using, shipping method, tax, etc, is now requiring that field.
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Re: Disabled Fields in checkout screen?

Postby nacd_webmaster » Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:37 am

Jim wrote:On the Commerce Setup > States and Countries screen, edit the list of states and add something like "Not Applicable;NA" or "none;NA" or "International;NA" what ever you would like that the international customers can choose. The ; and 2 letters are required at the end because there is code that checks for a 2 letter abbreviation for the "state" which will be displayed in some situations. You could use other letters but NA is pretty widely know as "not applicable" and isn't the abbreviation for a state or country.

The problem should not have been caused by the upgrade itself though since this functionality has been around for as long as I can remember. It may be that one of the features you are using, shipping method, tax, etc, is now requiring that field.

Ah, excellent suggestion. At least it will get us past the error! It won't matter in re: the payment processors, because that's a field on which they do not test. And if we add Paypal to the store, it won't matter either.

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