Updating a credit card using Shop Site cart?

General ShopSite user discussion

Updating a credit card using Shop Site cart?

Postby enzymelady » Wed Aug 29, 2012 8:27 pm

I offer auto-shipment and sometimes my users need to update their credit card but I use manual processing. Is there any way to use Shop Site to provide a secure method for customers to update their cards? I tried creating a "product" called "Update my Credit Card" that I could send customers a link to using order anywhere. But with a $0 value, it won't let people enter payment info. I could enter $.01 as the total and let people know they will not be charged anything, but wish I could use the form to update without any totals. Any ideas?

I know I could create a form and use this, but since my customers are used to Shop Site and it's all securely stored and encrypted, I was hoping to use the functionality instead of creating something else that I'll have to maintain.

Thanks for any advice.
Amanda Swann
Enzyme Essentials
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Aug 29, 2012 8:17 pm

Re: Updating a credit card using Shop Site cart?

Postby Jim » Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:56 am

There is no built in way to have the shopper update there credit card info. Since you are manually processing credit cards you could create a form on a secure page and have them use that to submit the information. We use such a form for merchants to submit their store login info to us for support issues, but we had to have a special script written to handle it.
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