Free "Bonus" Item(s)?

General ShopSite user discussion

Free "Bonus" Item(s)?

Postby K-milk » Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:22 pm

Hi, I'm developing a website for a client, and she has decided to use ShopSite Pro, except I've never really used it before, so I'm a bit stuck.

Here is what i'm trying to accomplish. She is selling a single product, lets call this 'Product 1." If you buy "Product 1" you get two free bonus item, "Bonus 1," and "Bonus 2."

Can I set up ShopSite, so that when "Product 1" is added to the cart, "Bonus 1" and "Bonus 2" will also automatically add to the cart as well?

However, I also need the option for customers to be able to purchase additional quantities of the "Bonus" items if they wish, but only the first quanity should be free, provided that "Product 1" is still in the cart.

Here is an example:

"Product 1" added to car by user.
"Bonus 1" and "Bonus 2" added automatically.
Price of "Product 1" is $10 + $5 S&H
S&H of Bonus Products is $5.
Total Price would be $25.

User has the option to remove "Bonus" Products, and only pay the $15 for the main product.

Or, user changes quantity of "Bonus 1" to 2, and now the total would be $35, $10 + $5 S&H for "Product 1," $5 S&H for "Bonus 1," $5 S&H for "Bonus 2," $5 + $5 S&H for Extra Quantity of Bonus 1.

Additionally, if Multiple quantities of "Product 1" are added, then multiple Quantities of the bonus products should automatically be added as well.

Is this possible, or am I asking for too much, which is beyond the scope of ShopSite?

Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:09 pm

Re: Free "Bonus" Item(s)?

Postby Jim » Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:06 pm

Part of this could be done by creating a multi-add to cart form that would include all of the products in the form. With a single click the combined items would be added to the shopping cart. A search of the forum should give you code for creating the add to cart, but it would be slightly different and would have to be custom crafted to your products, but wouldn't be too difficult to do. Each item would appear in the cart separately so the shopper could remove any that they didn't want, or increase the quantity of those they want more of.

The part about the first one bonus items being free and subsequent ones costing would not be possible unless you create separate products for the bonus and the non-free ones. You could write some javascript to only allow the shopper to get one of the free items and not allow them to checkout if they add additional of those items. but to do that the products would have to be separate from the non-bonus ones, i.e. have sku123-bonus and the bonus one have sku123. otherwise if they ordered additional of the bonus items they would also be free. So it would be better to have a package that includes the bonus items as distinct parts numbers when included as part of the main product from what the non-bonus ones are.. You could use cross sell to put links to add the additional items to the cart on the shopping cart screen so it would be easy for the shopper to get more of the "bonus" items but they would be regular products not the free ones included in the kit.

Shipping would have to use the base plus ShopSite shipping which allows you to set a base shipping price and add additional amounts for each product.
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Re: Free "Bonus" Item(s)?

Postby K-milk » Sun Jul 15, 2012 1:27 pm

Thanks for the help and info Jim! Much Appreciated!

I think that for simplicity's sake, I'm just going to add an drop down menu option to the "main" product, and allow the user to select whether or not they want to bonus items. If so, add $x shipping and handling.

Then, just add the bonus items as products, to allow additional purchases.
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:09 pm

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