Google product feed - shipping attribute error

General ShopSite user discussion

Google product feed - shipping attribute error

Postby dlundell » Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:49 am

I have some errors in my Google product feed, described by Google as:

"Missing sub-attribute in attribute: shipping
Please be sure to include all of the required sub-attributes in the attribute."

The shipping block for one of these error products is:

<g:shipping_price unit="USD">0</g:shipping_price>

Anything wrong with that? (I have the 'List as Free Shipping on Google' box checked for that product).

And a related question. For the products that are below our free shipping threshold, I don't check that box. And... it doesn't generate any <shipping> block at all. I assume I need one.

For what it's worth, we use real-time USPS and UPS shipping rates.

Is there a detailed explanation available for Shopsite's interaction with the Google feed's shipping requirements?


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Re: Google product feed - shipping attribute error

Postby loren_d_c » Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:25 am

For the general shipping calculations for your products, you will need to configure that in your Google Merchant Center account settings. There would be no way for ShopSite to provide a shipping price with your products because, even if ShopSite could make a request to UPS and USPS for each individual product in the feed as the feed is being generated (which would take a LONG time), ShopSite doesn't know what the zip code of the shopper that is browsing Google Product Search is, so the rates would have to be generated off of some zip code you specify, so they would be incorrect for most shoppers. So setting up shipping defaults in your Google Merchant Center account is what you need to do to get shipping to show up for shoppers in the Google Product Search results. Same for tax.

As far as the free shipping option, it looks like the attribute names are different for the FTP feeds than they are for the Content API feeds (silly Google), so that will have to be changed for the FTP feeds in a future ShopSite patch.

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