Changing background color in templates

General ShopSite user discussion

Changing background color in templates

Postby Islander » Sat Jun 23, 2012 4:50 pm

Just to confirm what I think I know after poring through the docs, is is not possible to change the background color for all elements of a template? I am using the 3column.sst template. I can change the background color of the text area in the middle of the template, but not the background color of the various navigation and header/footer areas of the page. I am using Shopsite Manager and trying to match the colors of the store I'm building to the primary company website that will link to the store.

Many thanks for any guidance you can offer,
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Jun 21, 2012 7:16 pm

Re: Changing background color in templates

Postby ShopSite Nicole » Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:57 am

If you are using the fields in ShopSite to change the color, then please be aware that each field listed under Pages > Edit Page Layout (or Preferences > Layout Settings), controls different aspects of the page based on the template you are using. If you go to our Custom Template Cookbook and look at the built-in template page you are using, it should tell you what each color field controls.

With the Manager package, you also have access to the ShopSite templates and their HTML and CSS. So you can edit that code directly as well, if you do not wish to use the color fields. The custom template cookbook page for the built-in templates can also help you locate the files you would need to edit.
ShopSite Nicole
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Location: Utah

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