unique single products & open larger image when clicked

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unique single products & open larger image when clicked

Postby alcanlove » Wed Jun 13, 2012 1:43 pm

I sell unique single one off products, however I see that a buyer can add many of the same product to the cart. How do I set it that only one product if for sale & when its been purchased it shows as sold out?

Also I have Shopsite order anywhere linker on my website. I would like to know if it is possible to open a larger image when clicked, I want my customers to be able to click on the thumbnail and go to a larger image Can anyone advise please. :)

*I forgot to mention I'm using shopsite started
Last edited by alcanlove on Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: unique single products & open larger image when clicked

Postby Jim » Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:45 pm

In a ShopSite Pro level store you an enable the inventory tracking feature which can be configured to not allow a product to be ordered after the quantiy gets to the Out of Stock limit. So you set the quantity on hand to 1 and the out of stock limit to 0 and only one product will be able to be purchased. To make it so the shopper can only put one in the cart you could create a custom product template that has a quantity of one only for the add to cart and not allow the customer to change it on the page. On the shopping cart screen you can set it so that the content can't be changed by going to Commerce Setup > Order System > Shopping Cart and check the box "Quantity can not be changed"

If you are using order Anywhere links then the page you put the link on would have to have all the coding for whatever images you display, since that is all done outside of ShopSite.
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Re: unique single products & open larger image when clicked

Postby alcanlove » Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:25 pm

Thank you Jim, you have been most helpful, so I need to upgrade to the pro thank you!!!

I'm a little confused, when I add products I'm asked to add a image & when I go to the order anywhere I can see the image in the box & when I copy the code & past that into the html the image is on my site? sorry I am a complete novice I am bumbling around trying everything :?

Candice x
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Re: unique single products & open larger image when clicked

Postby Jim » Wed Jun 13, 2012 5:06 pm

If you are seeing the image in an Order Anywhere link then you must be using the new "Embedded" format which puts an iframe on the page where you have the product. This does allow more flexibility in formatting giving you the image which was not available using the older Order Anywhere format.

The only place that ShopSite allows the enlargement of images is on Product Moreinformation pages. Since you are using Order Anywhere and not publishing your pages within ShopSite no moreinformation pages are generated.

It might be possible to modify the template used for the Order Anywhere iframe and add the enlarge functionaliy but that is not something that is built in.
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