Hơ do I delete all shopsite data from my site?

General ShopSite user discussion

Hơ do I delete all shopsite data from my site?

Postby ThaiAnimalSanctuary » Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:47 pm

I installed shopsite onto my charity website but then discovered the free version only allowed 15 products. So I uninstalled it and installed jigoshop instead but nơư, the page I had the shop on seems to still have shopsite date on it and won't allow me to use it with the new software:

Could anyone tell me hơ to delet all information from shopsite that still might be on my site? Thanks.
Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:42 pm

Re: Hơ do I delete all shopsite data from my site?

Postby Jim » Sat Jun 02, 2012 6:21 am

The easiest way would be to use FTP (or telnet or ssh) and log on to the server and then remove the pages and images manually. The pages will be at the location you specified which is usually something like your.domain.com/ or your.domain.com/store and the images will be in a /media subdirectory at that same location.

There will also be a data directory that contains configuration files used by ShopSite and the database of pages and products. That directory may or may not be accessible to you by ftp. You host should be able to assist you with the removal process. Some host install ShopSite so that multiple stores share the same set of cgis. So they can tell you if you have your own copy or if they are shared with other stores.
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