hiamps wrote:It sure would be VERY handy to be able to exclude shipping methods per Item. We are always having people choose Flat Rate when the item can't fit in the box...Another dreaded phone call......
Agree with your statement. I went to your site to check it out and wonder how did you get the larger products (Art-Supplies-Easels.htm#2746) " to price USPS so high?. Did you set this deliberately higher than the FedEx rate so your customers would use it instead of USPS flat rate shipping? If you did, would you mine sharing how that is working for you?
I am considered, for each product, changing the USPS shipping definition to 'non-rectangular' and set the girth to over 130 inches (larger than US postal allows), so shipping via USPS would not be an option. It creates an error message on the shopping cart saying the package it too big to mail, and I'm not sure I like that, but it is better than the alternative.
Thanks in advance,