What is the the domain name in the secure certificate? Did your host tell you what you should configure in ShopSite?
The settings in ShopSite have to use what ever domain is in the certificate plus the paths to the cgis or images. Typically if the secure domain name is the same as your store domain name you would just copy the urls under the "Store" Settings area to the appropriate fields in the "SSL Security Settings" section and change the http to https. But if your secure url is not for the same domain as what your store pages are under the values will be entirely different.
This is how the fields match up.
- Code: Select all
Store Settings SSL Security Settings
Store URL to Secure Store URL
Shopping Cart CGIs URL to Shopping Cart secure URL
Merchant CGIs URL to ShopSite secure URL
ShopSite Images URL to ShopSite Images secure URL
As your host said, it might take a little while for the https urls to be active because the DNS servers need time for the information to propogate through the Internet. Usually it takes a few hours but depending on your hosts server settings it might take a day or more.
You can test that you have the correct urls if you can enter either the secure url or the regular url in a browser and you get to the same screen, and everything looks the same on the screen. So before you make the changes in ShopSite just try that and see if what you think is the secure url goes to the same place as the non-secure url.