Shipping Question

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Shipping Question

Postby Paula » Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:38 am

I am having some difficulty setting up shipping.

I would like to set up shipping like this: US Postal Service only (no Fedex, etc.) price-based shipping, i.e. .01 to $10.00 = $2.00 shipping.

Under Shipping Configuration I clicked on "Shipping by Currency". I selected only US Postal Service as a shipping carrier. I also configured USPS, adding First Class, Priority, Express, as well as some International options. I then changed the names under Store Text, and they appear under the table.

My question are this:

1. How does the system know to differentiate when a customer from a certain country checks out? Say someone from Great Britain purchases. Right now all the options, including First Class (Domestic) mail appear. What's to stop the buyer from clicking on domestic shipping to get the lower rate?

2. I would also like to set up Canada separately from other international destinations. How do I do this?

Last edited by Paula on Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shipping Question

Postby Paula » Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:38 am

I think part of the problem is that my USPS account is not set up correctly. I already have a USPS account in which I request carrier pickups. Is this different than USPS Web Tools?
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Re: Shipping Question

Postby Jim » Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:01 am

Yes, you must register for the USPS shipping rates separately from any other USPS account. Just follow the steps outlined on the USPS config screen to get the account. Once you have the account setup you must also contact USPS and have them activate the account. See
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Re: Shipping Question

Postby Paula » Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:04 am

Thanks, Jim.
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Re: Shipping Question

Postby Paula » Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:22 am

I registered and received an email from USPS which says "Thank you for your quick response and for providing the name of your third party software. I would like to congratulate you on moving to production for the U.S. Postal Service's Web Tools Application Program Interfaces (APIs). Your profile has been updated to allow you access to the Production Server."

But then they also add "There is a line of code that refers to "shippingapitest.dll". You'll need to remove the word "test"." But when I click on link provided it is a bad link. I'm not sure what I need to do here. Can I just add the assigned user ID in Shopsite and start configuring my shipping rates? Or do I need to do something on the USPS end?
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Re: Shipping Question

Postby Jim » Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:38 am

All of the USPS testing for ShopSite was done during our development, so there is nothing you need to do other than enter your account info into ShopSite.
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Re: Shipping Question

Postby Paula » Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:59 am

Yes, I was aware of not having to do the testing. But wasn't sure what they meant by having to take off the word "test". Many thanks,

Jim wrote:All of the USPS testing for ShopSite was done during our development, so there is nothing you need to do other than enter your account info into ShopSite.
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Re: Shipping Question

Postby Paula » Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:08 am

I entered my username provided by USPS under US Postal Service shipping but still not getting the desired results.

When I add a product to cart, it is still showing ALL the rates for both international AND domestic. So if a buyer is in the US, I want it to show just the US shipping options, and vice versa if they are International customers. As it is now, what's to stop an International customer from clicking domestic shipping to get the lower price?

If a buyer entered clicked for instance Great Britain from the pull down menu, why wouldn't it show the rates for just International. I guess I don't understand how this gets accomplished.
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Re: Shipping Question

Postby ShopSite Nicole » Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:54 am


When I added a product to the cart, the first thing I noticed is that the cart is not using a country pull-down list. Currently it only displays the United States as an option. To add more countries to your pull-down list go to Commerce Setup > State and Country and click the "Use" button by countries you wish to add. None of the real-time services will be able to calculate shipping unless both the zip code entered and the country selected match.

Next, please check to see if you have any ShopSite shipping tables enabled (such as flat shipping, shipping by weight, or shipping by currency). Those tables, if enabled, will always show all shipping options to the customer. Only the real-time rates and services (UPS, USPS, and FedEx) can control what shipping the customer sees based on their zip/postal code.

Finally, make sure all of your products have weights assigned to them (Products > Edit Product Info). If they do not have weights assigned to them, USPS will be unable to return rates to your cart.
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Re: Shipping Question

Postby Paula » Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:06 pm


Yes, I took off the countries and thought I'd just stick with US shipping for now, as I really want to get the store live within a couple weeks. I will be adding International at some point and will come back to this.


ShopSite Nicole wrote:Paula,

When I added a product to the cart, the first thing I noticed is that the cart is not using a country pull-down list. Currently it only displays the United States as an option. To add more countries to your pull-down list go to Commerce Setup > State and Country and click the "Use" button by countries you wish to add. None of the real-time services will be able to calculate shipping unless both the zip code entered and the country selected match.

Next, please check to see if you have any ShopSite shipping tables enabled (such as flat shipping, shipping by weight, or shipping by currency). Those tables, if enabled, will always show all shipping options to the customer. Only the real-time rates and services (UPS, USPS, and FedEx) can control what shipping the customer sees based on their zip/postal code.

Finally, make sure all of your products have weights assigned to them (Products > Edit Product Info). If they do not have weights assigned to them, USPS will be unable to return rates to your cart.
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