1. I have assigned pages to my category pages. For instance, so far I have Owls and Cardinals on by Bird Gifts Category as follows: http://www.owlsandfriends.com/page12.html
But above the links it is showing as "no image available" even though I have uploaded the images. Is there a trick to getting the thumbnail images to show along with the links/pages?
2. Even though I have checked the box under Edit Page Layout that reads "Check here to display Page Header on this page" I can't get the borders to appear.
3. Regarding the navigation bar at the top on any given page: When I click on "Cardinals" on the Bird Gifts page, not sure why it wouldn't show Home > Bird Gifts > Cardinals. Instead it just says Home > Cardinals. Which leads me to believe I am doing this incorrectly, however when you go to the navigation under Preferences it only allows for a two-level category. It's not that big of a deal to have the 3-tiers, but if I'm missing a trick would love to know.