Add to Cart, without going to the shopping cart page

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Add to Cart, without going to the shopping cart page

Postby curtiswallen » Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:14 pm

Is there a way to have an "Add to Cart" link/button that isn't on that item's page, but doesn't take the buyer to their cart?
I basically want to use an "OrderAnywhere" ( type button, but without it automatically taking the buyer to their cart.

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Re: Add to Cart, without going to the shopping cart page

Postby Jim » Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:36 am

On the Commerce Setup > Order System > Shopping cart screen are two fields

Default for the "Show me my shopping cart" checkbox
Do not display the "Show me my shopping cart" check box

If you uncheck the first one and check the second one then I believe the cart will not be displayed when you add an item to the cart. (You might have to experiment with those two settings as it might be the other way around) Note that you must have a View Cart button or link on your store pages if you do this or there will be no way for the shopper to get to the cart.
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Re: Add to Cart, without going to the shopping cart page

Postby curtiswallen » Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:24 pm

Blah, I should have been clearer. My apologies. Thank you so much for helping. I'll try to explain it better.

As it is now, products have two options:
"Purchase Now" (this takes the buyer straight to their cart)
"Add to Cart" (which, I think, adds the product to the mini cart, without leaving the page the buyer is on)

I am trying to set it up so that one product, which has two versions, only has one product page, but two sets of links for purchasing.
One set for the standard version, and one for the deluxe version.

The product is entered to the system as the standard version, and then in the "more info" section, I've included the links to "purchase now" or "add to cart" the deluxe version.
Which adds the deluxe version to the cart, but which is a product placed on a hidden page.

The "Add to Cart" function uses javascript to add the product to the cart:
Code: Select all

I tried adding a link that uses:
Code: Select all
in the "more info" section, but, as expected, it's not quite so simple.

Is there a way to implement an "Add to Cart" link to a product page, that isn't the product page of the linked item?

I'm trying to find a clear way to describe this, but it's difficult. Does any of that make sense?
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Re: Add to Cart, without going to the shopping cart page

Postby Jim » Tue Mar 13, 2012 8:19 pm

Does any of that make sense?


The only settings which affect what happens when an Add to Cart/ Purchase Now link is clicked are those that I described on the Commerce Setup > Order System > Shopping cart screen . There is no option to just add the product to the mini cart, because the mini cart is a simplified view of the cart itself. There is also no option in ShopSite to click a link and automatically be taken to a checkout type screen which is what you "Purchase Now" option is trying to do.

If you use something like PayPal you can put their Purchase buttons on you store pages. When the shopper clicks on that button they will be taken to PayPal to complete the purchase of that single product on the PayPal site. But that is only for individual products and totally bypasses the ShopSite shopping cart. Is that what you are trying to do?
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