Page for single issue of weekly letters

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Page for single issue of weekly letters

Postby gkrehbiel » Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:20 am

We have a weekly newsletter called The Kiplinger Letter that we sell in whole-year subscriptions through a home-grown system.

I would like to be able to sell individual issues (as PDF downloads) through our Shopsite store, and I'm looking for suggestions on how to make this process as easy as possible -- to update and manage on a weekly basis.

Ideally I would like the landing page to list the current issue at the top, and list all previous issues in an archive section. That is, promote the current issue, but allow people to buy an older issue if they want.

I'm assuming that I will create a product for each download. Every week I'll copy that product, change the issue number and date, and change the download file.

But how do I do the page? How do I get it to include all the individual products (without having to add them each time), and how do I sort the individual products in reverse chronological order?

Any thoughts? Thanks,

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Re: Page for single issue of weekly letters

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Wed Jan 11, 2012 1:11 pm

Greg, in ShopSite you can setup a page, and you can specify the order that the products are listed in (Pages > Edit Page Layout). You can have the order ascending or descending and based on different product fields such as name, sku or price.

What you could do for your products would be each week..
1 - upload the PDF into the ShopSite digital download directory (Commerce Setup > Digital Download > Upload).
2 - Then go to Products > Add Product.
3 - The product information that you would want to add is at least the name, price, digital download file, change the product type to download, and assign the product to your ShopSite home page.
4 - save changes and publish, then you're done.
You can try this in a ShopSite demo store
- ShopSite Lauren
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ShopSite Lauren
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